About dave


That’s my head. Riding a bike across Iowa in 2021.

I was paid to be at church from age 19 - 33. Then, I suddenly found myself out of a ministry role. I say “suddenly” because that’s what we say when we spend a few years trying to unwind and make sense of our shortcomings instead of owning up to what we should and moving forward.

I’m summarizing and paraphrasing, but then I was invited to go “consult” at a church. Since I’m terrible at working with my hands, this sounded better to me than what I was struggling to do at the time…fit in on construction sites and clean condos.

I came home and told my wife I’d found something I could do for six months until we figured out what was next. I assumed what was next was what I had known for the past decade. I assumed I’d be some level of leadership in a local church cause that’s what I loved and that was the only thing that I knew how to do.

That was 2006. I began to travel and show up to help church leaders. The easiest way to describe life since ‘06 is what some define as “consultative selling.” I mean, who doesn’t love a consultant or a sales-guy.

I’ve had a blast, made a living, and typically never been able to see much more than about 90 days ahead of me.

I am normally sending someone something to respond to. At the end of the day, it’s really “sales.” It’s what my dad did. It’s what I said I’d never do. And it’s what I hate being called…a sales guy…a consultant.

I’ve helped start companies, organize sales teams, hire and fire sales staff, learned much of it the really difficult way, and 99% of it has been for churches or church leaders, or companies that help churches.

I don’t want to grow cynical, and jaded, think of clients and roll my eyes…my clients have always been church leaders. They’re my heroes. They are still at it and I want to support them and be a resource.

I want to continue to learn and grow. I want my next decade to be my most fruitful yet.

So if you’re launching a side hustle coaching thing, OR you work for a large company and you’re in sales/consulting and it’s around churches and church leaders maybe we should hang out.

Finding cycling changed me. I didn’t start til I was 48. It led to more discipline, putting myself out there in ways attempting to do things that I wasn’t sure I could do like ride 125 miles in one day, or ride across Iowa, or ride 4k miles in a year…it also led to better habits, more reading which led to reading the Bible, which has led to more good things…you get the idea. Cycling…I’m for it.

These days I’ve returned to Match Box cars, toy trains, and playing with a toddler named Jamie. I’m a fan of the show Trash Truck and am under the influence of Bandit…this is Bluey’s dad if you’re keeping up.

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