Leadership Development is a painful workout.

Some people want to be in shape and look great for those selfies.

Some buy a gym membership, or a fancy Trek, or even a Peloton. (Iā€™m sitting here looking at both!)


Some may even show up on occasion.

But who shows up day after day for the grueling workout, not seeing immediate results, submitting to the pain, the data, or the coach, (or both!) to get them better over the long haul?

Reading a book on leadership is sorta like reading the Peloton manual.

Watching an inspiring video lecture on leadership is much like watching an athlete tell you about their workouts after a decade of discipline.

That conference on leadership is similar to the walk-thru at the gym after getting your all-access card.

Leadership development or professional development (which we all value and want) is going to the gym today for a painful workout.