You have heard it said:"
Those who can DO
Those who can’t

But I say unto thee:
Those who can’t & either don’t have an education or are lazy CONSULT

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I added that third line to the cliche because I believe it to be true. I know it’s the truth because for fifteen years I’ve consulted! ha!

One month ago I felt led to help a senior pastor out at a great church in my town. There’s so much I love about that church…primarily I love the fact that I am the oldest person around here. Many are in their twenties and a couple of the full-timers are just 21.

I have children older than the five people on this team. I’m older than most of their parents.

So I’d say that’s worth investing in, and it’s a good time. I’ve learned things like the word “sick” means it’s good and “fosh” is a mashup for the phrase “for sure.” I’ve learned the importance of really expensive high tops and how some things that I wore in middle school are now sick again. It’s pretty dope.

For fifteen years I’ve said some variation of “church leaders are my heroes, they’re still doing it. I’m the one that’s not.”

I’ve been reacquainted over this fall with how easy consulting is compared to leading anything at a church is - especially in this season.

A few months of a relationship with a client makes it easy to appear to be smart and it will feed your ego.

This does NOT mean we don’t need consultants, and it also doesn’t mean that it is a waste of time, effort, or dollars. I’ve done it for 15 years now, and it has been a fruitful time of ministry.

But I am saying that consulting at a church is way easier than leading at one. I’d also repeat that…

Church leaders are my heroes.